মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক Class 6 Part 7 English Answer pdf Download

মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক Class 6 Part 7 English Answer pdf Download

মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক Class 6 Part 7 English Answer pdf Download


1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

Feeling restless, I left the viewing room and glided down the long passage to the centre of the space station. I could see my father there surrounded by reporters. I came back to the view-room which was empty. I looked out into space. My Moon my home appeared very small now. At home, kids would be getting ready for the party. There’s always been a party at sunrise. The Sun rose only 12 or 13 times a year so it was something special for us. The sunlight crept slowly across the surface of the Moon until finally night was gone.


A. Complete the following sentences with information from the passage : 1×3 = 3 

(i) The narrator left the viewing – room because _________

Ans: He was feeling restless.

(ii) He could not talk to his father as __________

Ans: His father was surrounded by reporters.

(iii) Sunlight crept on the Moon’s surface until________

Ans: Finally night was gone.


B. Answer the following questions : 2×3 = 6

(i) How did the Moon appear to the narrator ? 

Ans : The moon appeared very small to the narrator.

(ii) When would there be a party in Moon ? 

Ans :  There’s always been a party at sunrise in Moon.

(iii) Why was the sunrise special for the residents of Moon ? 

Ans : The sun rose only 12 or 13 times a year, so the sunrise was special for the residents of Moon.


2. Do as directed : 1×5 = 5 

(i) Will you please shut the door ? ( Replace the underlined word with its antonym )

Ans: Will you please open the door ?

(ii) We shall go out for vacation soon . ( Identify the type of Adverb used in the sentence ) 

Ans: soon –> adverb of time.

(iii) The earnings for this quarter __________ ( exceed / exceeds ) expectations . ( Choose the correct option ) 

Ans: The earnings for this quarter exceed expectations . 

(iv) Our guest is __________ European ( Fill in the blanks with an indefinite article ) 

Ans: Our guest is  a European. 

(v) May God bless you . ( Identify the type of sentence ) 

Ans: May God bless you . –> Optative Sentence.


3. Develop a story ( in about 60 words ) using the following outline . Add a suitable title to your story : 6 

Outline : dog with piece of meat in mouth – crosses a river bridge – sees his shadow – thinks another dog , barks – meat falls into the river



One day a dog got a piece of meat . He was crossing a bridge with the meat in his mouth. He saw his own shadow in the water below . He took this for another dog with another piece of meat in his mouth. He became greedy to get it . He opened his mouth to bark. His own piece of meat fell into the water . The dog lost his meat . He was sorry for his foolishness .      

        Moral: Greed is not good .


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মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক Class 6 Part 7 Answer pdf Download


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